Walt Disney

/ December 15, 2013

December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966

Free iStock PhotoIt has been forty-seven years since Walt Disney passed away. The mastermind of the Disney empire, bringing you the lovable characters of Mickey Mouse, Snow White and more, passed away of lung cancer before he could see the completion of the famous Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. CBS Sunday Morning commemorated Disney’s death with a story that you can find here.

The estate of Disney has been in the news recently as two of his grandchildren are in a fight over their inheritance from their mother, Sharon Disney Lund, Walt’s youngest daughter. The battle over the $400 million trusts has played out as many would expect – with a lot of he said, she said. It still has not been resolved and will surely take a lot more time and a lot more money before it draws to an end.