QR Codes … for Estate Planning?

/ August 3, 2012

QR codes, those squares made of square dots arranged in a pattern that you scan with your smart phone, are popping up everywhere these days.  Consequently, I was not at all surprised when I saw a story on the local CBS evening news … QR Codes On Headstones: Preserving Personalities Of Those Passed.

The news story featured Katzman Monument Company, a Twin Cities company that is one of the first in the country to offer QR codes for headstones.  The company’s website advertises the Interactive Memorials as a way “to tell the story of your loved one to future generations.” The process is simple.  You purchase a QR code, upload information, pictures and videos of your loved one, attach the code to the headstone and scan the code using your smart phone.

Some people are choosing to purchase their own QR code while they are living and filling it themselves with information, pictures and messages.  This may become the new trend and part of the funeral and burial pre-planning process.  Who knows, before too long you may even start to see QR codes on Health Care Directives or other estate planning documents.