I recently went to a CLE conference on trusts and heard the word “decanting” thrown around. Naturally, my ears perked up because, well, I thought of wine or tea for that matter. But no. Turns out, irrevocable trusts can be decanted. Who knew? The definition of “decant” is: “gradually pour from one container into another, […]
The Health Care Directive – an Easy First Step into Estate Planning
Maya Missaghi
July 12, 2017
July 12, 2017
There are many forms of Health Care Directives online – different styles and formats. It is often emphasized that, more than filling out the form, it’s the conversations it can spark that are really impactful. That is of course an excellent point, but I think simply getting people to fill out the form is pretty […]
The 411 on Medical Records
Maya Missaghi
February 3, 2012
February 3, 2012
What happens to your medical records when you die? Who has access to them? How long are they retained? Why are we asking these questions? When someone dies, medical records can be important for several reasons: 1) If the decedent owned a life insurance policy, the insurance company may need the records when processing the […]