I know, I know… you have read it over and over again here on Epilawg that it is important to have documents in place for times of incapacity. Yet, as Jayne Sykora and I just attended a conference together, I was reminded of the importance to do so particularly if you own a business. As […]
In the News – Be Inspired By La Crosse, WI
April 29, 2014
On CBS Sunday Morning this past Sunday, the whole program was dedicated to life and death. One particular story that stood out was on La Crosse, WI. In La Crosse, WI, “…96 percent of the people who passed away here had created advance directives. That’s the highest percentage of end-of-life planning in a nation where […]
Basics of Minnesota Medical Assistance
April 14, 2014
Over half of the population will require long-term care at some point in their lives. Paying for long-term care is a topic that many people avoid addressing until the last minute; however, due to the rising costs of skilled nursing care it should really be addressed sooner rather than later. In Minnesota the average daily […]
Estate Planning Myth #3: All I need I can find on legal zoom
April 11, 2014
Yes, there are forms out there, and yes, many documents that attorneys draft begin from a template or form. However, consider these two major points for discussion with this myth: first, the law is full of variation from state to state and forms may or may not be drafted with your state’s peculiarities in mind, […]
The Bitter End
March 19, 2014
It’s a shocking and infrequently cited fact that the death rate among the human population in the United States is 100%. It will happen to all of us. When you think of it this way, the idea of having a Health Care Directive or Living Will is not so much a “what if” piece of […]
I Need a Revocable Trust … Right?
August 5, 2013
This statement (turned inquiry) may or may not be true. It depends on a variety of factors and client goals. Deciding whether to use a will or a revocable trust (a.k.a. living trust or revocable living trust) as one’s primary estate planning document is a question to be discussed with an estate planning attorney. The […]
Avoiding Power of Attorney Abuse
July 26, 2013
In a previous post I spelled out the basics of the changes made to Minnesota’s Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney that will take effect January 1, 2014. As I mentioned, many of these changes were made to address the potential for abuse. Indeed, a Power of Attorney document gives broad and sweeping powers to […]
Uncomfortable Conversations
July 23, 2013
When speaking with my elderly clients I encourage them to have conversations with their children about their wishes. Upon the mention of this suggestion, I have witnessed the change in demeanor of many. I go on to explain what their children will need and how the administration of their estate will proceed. We discuss how […]
Summary of changes to the MN Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney
June 19, 2013
Minnesota’s legislators have been busy working up new and exciting changes to Minnesota’s estate planning landscape. Perhaps less controversial and less exciting, (and, some would argue, more concrete) than the new Minnesota Gift Tax, this article will summarize some of the changes made to the Minnesota Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney document. With its […]
TED Talks: Prepare For A Good End Of Life
June 17, 2013
I recently came across this TED Talk by Judy MacDonald Johnston and thought she did such a great job starting the discussion on end-of-life planning that I had to share it with our readers. The video is worth watching (it is a short 6 minutes) and should be shared with any loved ones who are unwilling […]
Google’s Interactive Account Manager
April 18, 2013
The question of what happens to a person’s digital property after death is a hot topic these days. Many online service providers are currently grappling with this issue, including Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and the list goes on.