2nd Quarter Market Update

August 24, 2012

I’m going to begin this post with a personal tidbit.  I decided to run my first full marathon a few months ago.  After running five half-marathons in past years, I figured this would be rather simple, double my training and double my time. No problem…I thought. Was I ever wrong!  This was the single most […]

Economic Update

May 9, 2012

Our good fortune has continued with expanded growth in the markets.  This is typical of an election year and if history is any indication, there should be more of this to come.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up over 13,000 and the NASDAQ Composite has reached a new high as well (much of this […]

Economic Update

November 16, 2011

It seems that the volatility in the stock market has continued our roller coaster of ups and downs this past quarter.  Can this continue?  Well it seems that it will with the daily changes of positive and negative news in Europe.  As of last week the announcement has come!  The European Central Bank has decided […]

Economic Update

September 29, 2011

While many economists have said we have come out of the recession, as of late many of them may be thinking we are heading for another one.  A 512-point drop does not make anybody happy, especially me. It seems that we are back to the 2008 days of extreme volatility.